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Mission, Vision, Values, Goals


To provide students with challenging academic, technical, and workplace readiness skills in a supportive, engaging, and respectful environment which guides them along a pathway to success.


Pathways to Success through Learning that Works


The faculty and staff at the HCCTC work to provide a safe environment where students are empowered to think critically, make informed decisions, become leaders, and excel in the preparation of their chosen career. Expectations and rules are important for a school to maintain order. HCCTC abides by all district rules, and students are held accountable for their individual actions. The following policies, procedures, and expectations are in place to ensure a safe educational environment for all students, faculty, and staff. HCCTC students are expected to be productive participants in their educational journey and abide by all school protocols.


  1. Provide a safe, challenging, and supportive educational environment that enables students to develop workplace behaviors, teamwork skills, and quality workmanship.
  2. Provide a curriculum that emphasizes the application and integration of rigorous academics, 21st century technology, and current industry standards and skills.
  3. Provide educational pathways which guide students in a logical order as they seek to reach their career goal.
  4. Provide students with the tools necessary to continue their education in a related post-secondary institution and/or a high demand, high wage occupation.
  5. Provide opportunities to develop leadership traits through participation in career and technical education student organizations.
  6. Provide student assessments that validate student learning which will indicate college/career readiness.
  7. Provide opportunities to engage in partnerships with employers, community organizations, educational institutions and government to stay abreast of current workforce needs and trends.